The so-called self-discipline is to take a difficult road, read a difficult book, and listen to bad words.

/November 2022

A group of people choose elevators, which seem easy and fast, but they lag behind in the crowd.

A person chooses to walk the ladder, although it is difficult, but he is ahead of others step by step.

in fact, the road of life is the same, to go far, to do difficult but valuable things, to walk difficult but can lead to a long way.

the rarest self-discipline of a person is that the more difficult he is, the more he has to go head on.


take the difficult road

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the Gospel of Matthew in the New Testament warns the world: "you must use the narrow door." For the road that leads to destruction is wide, and many go. The road leading to eternal life is narrow, and few people find it. "

in this world, people tend to choose simple things to do, but the easy way is often a dead end.

the real master will force himself to conquer the difficult road, to flatten the rugged road and step out the direction.

DJI founder Wang Tao has led DJI to become a leader in the industry in just over a decade, accounting for 70% of the global consumer UAV market.

Foreign analyst Michael Breitz even said: "everyone is catching up with DJI. It is the Apple of China."

DJI is so beautiful because Wang Tao has made the right choice in the face of countless crossroads.

the first fork is to choose the old profit model or to compete in the market.

before the small workshop stage, Dajiang's products were mainly sold to state-owned enterprises. As long as the state-owned enterprise places an order and Wang Tao's team demonstrates a drone flight to the other leader, he can easily get 200000 yuan.

but Wang Tao realized that although this kind of money is easy to make, the future of the company will also be destroyed by this single model, so he takes the initiative to fight in the market.

the second fork is to continue to sell accessories or to make the whole machine.

to make accessories, as long as you follow the old path step by step, but if you want to take the whole machine as the development direction, there is no sample reference and the prospect is not clear.

but Wang Tao decided to do the whole machine, because although the road is full of difficulties, it is a blue sea.

Liu run once wrote: "choosing an easy road will make you as addicted as a drug." Once you find a reason for logical self-consistency, the more you will indulge in simplicity, and eventually become mediocre. "

Man is an inert animal.

mediocre people are obedient to nature and want to be comfortable, while excellent people like to "ask for trouble".

it's like doing the same research for the company, where you cobble together some materials into a hodgepodge, but others run around doing field research.

maybe the result is not much different, but this is how the gap between people slowly widens.

like in the short video tuyere, you shoddy some videos, others from the script, shooting, later all made a lot of efforts, perhaps in the tuyere, both will get a bonus.

but after all the mud and sand, it is clear who will survive.

the smooth road leads to the hillside, and the rugged path reaches the top of the mountain.

there are countless ways in life, choose to face up to difficulties, bite the green hill and never relax, then you will see the most beautiful scenery at the summit.


books that are difficult to read

Wang Meng has deep worries about the reading situation of this era: "now the readers trained on the Internet are all 'browsers', tapping the keyboard and clicking the mouse. You can find whatever you want, and if you open enough windows, you can dabble in 15 reading areas a minute."

Wang Meng believes that such shallow browsing will make people less and less thinking deeply.

those curious messages can't make us deep, and easy-to-read quick books can hardly make us progress.

the books that really benefit us a lot are the masterpieces that writers have spent countless painstaking efforts to produce.

these books may be obscure, but they are full of words.

A hundred years of Solitude, the names and relationships of seven generations of the family are confused by many people, and many people cannot understand the magical world of M á rquez.

but if you can watch it calmly, you can see a magnificent epic.

as Mo Yan said after watching "one hundred years of Solitude,"the mood is indescribable, just like when M á rquez read Kafka in Paris, he was very surprised. It turned out that the novel could be written in this way."

so we can see that Mo Yan's Northeast Township of Gaomi in Shandong Province has many similarities with Ma Kongduo.

A Zizhi Tongjian, which lasted for 19 years, has more than 3 million words and a vast amount of information. in the first 17 years of its publication, only one person named Wang Shengzhi read it through.

but Jin Yong nibbled it off. He wrote many editorials in Ming Pao monthly for more than 30 years.

he explained that it was because Zizhi Tongjian, which he had read for decades, "made me understand the historical law of China, and almost all Chinese people followed the same law."

some books are easy to understand because there is no new knowledge increment, and the content presented is still within your cognitive boundaries.

some books are difficult to read, which may be an introduction to areas of knowledge that we have not touched, or a unique worldview that helps to enrich the knowledge system and the latter to break down cognitive barriers.

as the founder of Vanke, when Wang Shi is invited to give a speech, many economics and management students ask him for advice on how to choose books.

Wang Shi says he doesn't read short and fast bestsellers, and the one he recommends most is Toynbee's Historical Studies.

20 years ago, Wang Shi bought the middle and second volumes of the simplified edition of Historical Studies.

the study of History is voluminous, and the comprehensive comparison of more than 30 civilizations deters many readers.

nevertheless, Wang Shi was patient and read through it in eight months.

Wang Shi frankly said that this is a book that has changed his world outlook, and every time he reads it, he will get new inspiration in his outlook on life and values.

in this day and age, simple fragmented reading can only contribute to the knowledge system.

the ones that can really build knowledge buildings are those tweets that have been rumored for a long time.

limited to favorite books, it also restricts the growth of life.

only by settling down to read the classics with high knowledge density, to speculate, to accumulate, these seemingly difficult books will become the road under your feet.


in 1983, Huang Yongyu wrote to the master dramatist Cao Yu, saying bluntly, "I don't like your post-liberation play. I don't like any of it."

after receiving the letter, Cao Yu regarded it as a treasure, sandwiched it in a photo album and read it over and over again, and finally mounted it on the wall.

truth is usually a bit harsh. Weak people turn a deaf ear to this, but those who are strong in heart regard it as a driving force to move forward.

Ren Zhengfei once said: "Don't be afraid of criticism. Thank those who scold us for not taking Huawei's wages and bonuses, but also scolding us is helping us make progress."

there is a "heart-to-heart community" within Huawei, where any employee can write down criticism and suggestions on the system or managers.

because it can be posted anonymously, there are some criticisms of hostility.

but Huawei has always faced problems directly, and they will read them one by one and draw constructive suggestions.

Ren Zhengfei said that the most powerful thing in Huawei's human resources management is the evaluation system, which is called "evaluation is everywhere, evaluation is everywhere."

too much sweet talk is easy to confuse the heart; though the words from the bottom of the heart sound bad, they can point to the deficiency.

if a person wants to keep improving, he must lose face, give up his glass heart, and be able to listen to other people's criticism.

Shakespeare said, "listen more, speak less, accept everyone's censure, but keep your final judgment."

in the late 1980s, Shi Yuzhu created a business myth.

but it quickly changed from prosperity to decline. Due to the breaking of the capital chain caused by the investment in the Giant Mansion, Shi Yuzhu had a debt of NT $250 million overnight, becoming the "first burden" in China.

in the face of such a situation, Shi Yuzhu specially searched for articles condemning him and carefully read other people's analysis of his failure word for word.

he organized a meeting of criticism and struggle, allowing people to gather fire at themselves and sum up experiences and lessons in criticism.

after more than a decade of ups and downs, from health products to bank investment to online games, Shi Yuzhu has built a more towering business empire in the ruins.

"Human weakness" has a saying like this: "one of human nature is not to accept criticism from others." I like to find all kinds of excuses to defend myself. "

if you hear accusations and think about rebuttal, you will only blind your heart.

good advice is good for action.

when we open our hearts to the opinions of others, we also accept a better version of ourselves.

the basic requirement of the University of Chicago for students in the United States is: "do difficult things, because if one wants to achieve something, he must do those difficult things."

Sunrise is beautiful because it is born out of the deepest darkness.

if a person really wants to make a difference, he must sharpen himself in pain.

when you tame the human nature that prefers comfort and overcome the delusion of achieving it overnight.

on that thorny road, you may walk very slowly, but you can certainly go farthest.