Your attitude towards your parents determines your luck in life.

/October 2022

writer Bi Shumin once said, "parents still have a place to come in life, and parents can only go back to life."

I deeply agree that for people drifting away, a place with parents is home.

parents have worked hard for us for most of their lives.

they always take "leave you alone" as their mantra.

the most common thing they say is that I will leave you when you grow up, I will leave you when you get married, I will leave you alone when you have children, and I will leave you alone when your children go to school.

they have been heartbroken for us all their lives. Time can be unkind to them, but we must be gentle to them.


respect parents, start with a pleasant face

Zi Xia asked Confucius, what is filial piety?

Confucius replied: color is difficult.

what Confucius means is filial piety to be kind to his parents, but this is also the hardest thing to do.

as children, many people always can't control their emotions in front of their parents and take their tolerance for granted.

almost everyone makes such a mistake:

when facing parents, they have no scruples and can say anything, but they are modest and polite to strangers and friends.

Zhang ailing said a very classic saying about love: "if you like someone, you will be humble to the dust."

this sentence is also applicable to kinship.

I have seen someone share chat records with my parents on the Internet before:

my father asked: "how to post in moments, please teach me."

he said, "Why do you learn that? you have nothing to send even if you learn that. I am too busy. I don't have time to teach you this. You can find out for yourself."

Mother said: "the weather is getting colder and colder recently, you must wear more."

he said, "Oh, I can wear it when I'm cold. Don't worry about it."


in this dialogue scene, we see: a father who is careful in front of his child, a mother who wants to care more about her child but can't do anything about it.

Zhou Guoping once said: "it is instinct to be picky to those who are close to you, but it is a kind of upbringing to overcome your instinct and not to criticize those who are close to you."

when we were young, we were full of curiosity about the world and always held our parents' hands and asked questions.

Today, we are grown up, our parents are getting older, and they are slow to accept new things.

as children, we should be patient and help our parents understand the ever-changing world and keep up with the pace of social change.

Don't always tease them with "no time", don't always use "busy" to get rid of them.

in ordinary life, buying a house for parents and hiring a babysitter and taking them to a big meal are only low-level filial piety. "

be kind to your parents, be more patient, respect and care for your parents. This is the advanced "filial piety".


understand my parents and accept their imperfections

once read such a post: "Why can't I control my emotions and want to blame my parents every time they make childish mistakes?"

the answer that impressed me the most was: "We are angry with our parents, not because they have done something wrong, but because they should not be the ones who made mistakes."

some time ago, my friend Xiaocheng had a big quarrel with his parents because he didn't have enough down payment when he got married and bought a house.

he growled hysterically at his father:

"the colleague who joined the company with me was promoted and got a raise all the way because of the wealth and power of the family. He became a leader for three years, while I was still a clerk for three years."

"when my friends ask their parents for money, they transfer as much as they want; when I ask for money, you always ask me what to buy and let me buy it cheaply."

"when my friend bought a house, my parents paid a full payment directly. Now I buy a house and you have saved most of your life, and even a down payment is not enough."


the stupidest way to be a child is to make a face to your parents.

We always feel that our parents are not perfect, but we don't know that they have paid a lot behind their backs in order to get your approval.

they have been subservient to the world, just to try their best to give you what they think is the best.

in the book the Road that few people take, there is a touching saying: "Life is really short, not as long as we think, and never very far." Therefore, we might as well be kind to those who love ourselves. "

it has been a great fate to meet in the vast sea of people, not to mention the parents who gave birth to us and raised us.

they have devoted almost all their lives to us without asking for anything in return. Why should we be dissatisfied?

our home is where our parents are, and we won't wither because we are rootless.

learn to put aside the harsh criteria for parents, learn to accept their parents' imperfections, and give them a little more understanding and tolerance.

when parents are old, love them as much as they love us, understand them, and don't wait for their parents to be gone.

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being kind to our parents is our lifelong practice

there is a saying in Zengguang Xianwen: "Sheep has the grace of kneeling milk, crow has the meaning of back-feeding."

Sheep and crows know how to return the favor, not to mention that as the most advanced human beings, we should be kind to our parents.

filial piety is a hundred good.First.

the kindness of our parents is greater than that of heaven, and we can't repay it for the rest of our lives.

someone summed up ten words not to say to parents:

1. All right, got it!

2. May I help you? Nothing? Then I'll hang up.

3. You don't understand what I said.

4. How many times have I told you.

5. Your style is already out of date.

6. I told you not to clean up my room.

7. I know what I want to eat. Please stop.

8. I told you not to eat these leftovers. Why don't you always listen.

9. Is it annoying?

10. These things said no, what are you doing here?

for parents, something we inadvertently say may sting them like a thorn.

as they grow old, we should be more careful and patient.

once saw a calculation question:

"if your parents are 50 years old now, if they live to be 90 years old, and you see your parents once every six months, how many times do you have left to meet your parents?" How many words can you say? "

the answer is 80 times.

see once, one less.

if we play with our mobile phones or deal with other things when we meet our parents, then there will be very few opportunities to talk to our parents.

No one in the world can love us as much as our parents. They are willing to give everything they have just to make us better off.

Today, parents are old, their hands and feet are not flexible, and their thinking is not agile. In the face of what they do not understand, we should have the patience to explain to them and be more considerate.

because parents are our roots.

Don't wait for the day when your parents are gone before you suddenly realize that they are the ones you should fall in love with most.

as the old saying goes, "if you are unfilial to your parents, it is useless to worship Buddha."

parents are everyone's greatest Fukuda. Only by being kind to their parents can they encounter the greatest blessings.

recall that every time we get sick, every time we get injured, it is always our parents that we are most worried about.

there are two elders in the family, and there is a treasure in victory.

the people in the world who love us most, those who understand us most, and those who love us most are our parents.