There are usually three kinds of people who like to talk about "thank you".

/August 2022

it is not easy to see a person clearly when he is alive.

true feelings are false and ugly; it is hard to find out who is good and who is bad.

but in fact, after much experience, you will find that if you want to know a person, you don't need to guess or try at all. You can tell him or her by looking at his way and habit of speaking.

as the old saying goes, "you can tell who he is by his words."

people with a round and firm tone must have an open-minded and calm character;

people who often sigh tend to feel inferior and like to complain;

people who like to speak in a soft voice tend to be kind and amiable.

and those who like to say "thank you" are usually the following three kinds of people.


A man of good self-cultivation

had a little test:

A person walked to the door of a store and paid special attention to observe how everyone reacted when he held the door for the person behind him.

after several rounds of tests, he found that some of the people passing by would directly stride in, ignoring his help, while others would smile and nod and thank him.

in fact, saying "thank you" is only a small detail, but it can show a person's good self-cultivation.

have heard such a sentence:

what is self-cultivation?

the encyclopedia explains:

in a nutshell, it is a kind of kindness that compares one's heart to heart, a measure of being generous to others, and a kind of lofty and good character.

there is a saying in Xunzi: benevolence, righteousness, propriety and kindness are to people, and they are like goods, wealth and corn at home.

although self-cultivation is invisible, it is deeply rooted in the heart and navigates our lives day after day, which determines the journey and outcome of our lives.

those who often say "thank you" may turn against the wind because of their good self-cultivation and conduct, even if their external conditions are not as good as those of others.

those with good self-cultivation are far away from virtue.


in the adult world, the most important hidden rule is to speak with a sense of proportion.

recently, the name "Guo Qilin" has appeared frequently on popular search.

the cause is his performance in the TV series "son-in-law".

but what is praised most is his unobtrusive and measured EQ.

when recording variety shows, Guo Qilin walked into a clothing store with his companions and said "thank you" with a smile in the face of the waiter's warm greeting.

under the camera, he was still very polite. When talking to teacher Chang Baohua, he bowed his head and bowed all the time. Hearing praise, he also bent down to say thank you.

he has not lost his sense of being a man because of his "popularity". He will never be perfunctory when he should be polite.

such a man is modest and gentle, has a sense of proportion and knows how to think of others.

Cai Kangyong once said:

"the more you can talk, the happier others will be, and the happier others will like you; the more others like you, the more help you will get, and the happier you will be."

it is true that it is easy to speak, but speaking politely is the most difficult practice in one's life.

in many cases, the discretion of speaking is also the embodiment of a human intelligence.


people who are grateful

Zeng Guofan once said, "A gentleman is not lightly grateful, but unforgettable."

people with a good heart are always happy, while those who are grateful are always contented.

they do not take for granted the efforts of others, and they will not be used to the love of their relatives and friends, but will be open-minded, gratified, warm and contented.

therefore, life is always full and happy, and finally towards the bright.

there is such a fable:

Showcase your desirable figure with our trendy collection of black semi formal dresses. Kick off your amazing shopping experience with us.

both of them go to see God and ask the way to heaven.

God saw that the two men were hungry and thirsty, so he gave each of them a portion of food. One of them was grateful, while the other was indifferent. After

, God sent the man who said "thank you" to heaven.

people who are rejected are not convinced:

"I just said one less thank you. Why is the difference so big?"

God said:

"it's not that you didn't say thank you, you don't have a grateful heart. The road to heaven is paved with a grateful heart. Only a grateful heart can open the door of heaven, but not to hell. "

A person's life, regardless of success or failure, will get too many people's help.

even if you can't repay each other, you should have a grateful heart to make your efforts better.

every "thank you" is like a string of Ding Dong water droplets injected into my heart, constantly grateful, and will eventually converge into gurgling water and irrigate happy flowers.

people who often say "thank you" are well-behaved, measured, grateful, comfortable in words and warm in attitude.

when I am with them, my heart is warm and my life is carefree, even if I am in the wind and rain, I can still be silent and happy.