The price of anger! (to be honest)

/August 2022

anger destroys your mood, affects your health, and brings negative energy!

angry, no longer rational behavior, no longer clear-headed, make the wrong decision!

it is harmful to be angry.

when a person is angry, his mood is confused, his ideas are extreme, it is difficult to calm down and think about problems, the last class will hurt others and themselves.

people who are easy to get angry, do not have a good mood, do not have a good temper, the heart is easy to be grumpy, affect their health, let people stay away.

angry, is the most useless, always angry, need to pay a high price!


Why are you angry?

Why are you angry? Why can't you put it down? What can't you figure out?

where is the source of anger?

do you get angry when others mess with you? If someone else is angry with you with a purpose, you want to be angry.

are you angry when others hurt you? If a person doesn't care about you at all, it won't help if you get angry.

No matter why you are angry, you punish yourself for other people's mistakes.

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Why are you angry? Anger makes you unhappy, anger makes you often angry, anger makes you not in a good mood, slowly life will be shrouded in haze, happiness will be replaced by sadness!

Don't be angry all the time, be patient, be relaxed, the mood is your own, don't always let those who are not worth it influence you at will!


anger is the stupidest

anger, which can not solve any problems, but makes you feel bad because of negative emotions.

angry, unable to express real thoughts, sometimes there is a misunderstanding, the loss outweighs the gain.

being angry is a stupid act, which is not good for others or yourself!

Don't get angry without moving. You are angry. If the other person really cares about you, the cruel words you say will easily hurt him.

if the other person really doesn't care about you, no matter how angry you are, people won't look at you again. It really doesn't make any sense to be angry, except to find pain for yourself.

Don't be angry all the time. A good mood is not given by others, but raised by yourself. If your heart is broken, no one can cure it, so you still have to digest it yourself.

Let yourself be lenient and tolerant, and don't let trifles steal your happiness!


keep happy, talents are healthy

small, big things, big hearts, small things.

what can't be solved in this world?

is yours, always yours, no, and will go. Those who cherish you do not need to be careful; those who do not cherish you will waste your breath with him!

Don't get angry all the time, especially those who don't care about you and hurt you deliberately, don't lose your temper with him, you don't have much in common in this life, stay away from him, and let yourself go.

Don't be angry, don't be angry, don't be negative. For those who are good to you, you double it back, and those who don't care about you don't deserve your anger!

learn to be calm, learn to be calm, learn to accept all rivers, the less angry you are, the bigger the pattern. Your mentality is good enough, your life is smooth enough!