The position is different, there is no need to explain! (good text in depth)

/August 2022

Su Shi said: "there are steep peaks on the side of meandering mountains, but there are thousands of different ways from far to high and low."

between people, the location is different, the scenery is naturally different, and what you see and think of is naturally different.

people in different positions cannot understand each other, and people at different levels cannot explain it.

therefore, if the position is different, there is no need to explain; if the level is different, there is no need to integrate.

youdao is "big debate does not argue", the highest state of life is not to argue!


the situation is different, which may not explain why

Zhuangzi once said, "if you are not a fish, you know that a fish is not happy."

you are not me, how do you know the sadness and joy in my heart, the world, all human beings, everyone's joys and sorrows can not be connected, more is cold and warm self-knowledge.

in ancient times, heavy snow fell suddenly in Chang'an City, which added a different kind of charm to the beautiful city. seeing this beautiful scenery, a poet blurted out: "Snow flakes are as big as seats, pieces blow down Xuanyuan platform."

A promoted official happened to be passing by and said with emotion: "it is the royal auspicious spirit."

the merchant selling cotton-padded clothes next to him, seeing this, said happily, "what's wrong with this heavy snow for another three years?"

at this time, a beggar trembled and scolded: "give your mother's bullshit!"

your honey, your arsenic, the beauty in the eyes of others, is a disaster in the eyes of beggars.

everyone is in a different position, it is difficult to understand each other's ideas, the situation is different, it is impossible to understand each other's feelings.

Don't easily judge who is right and who is wrong. If you look at the problem from your own point of view, you will never be able to see it clearly. Only by knowing how to think of others can you solve the problem better.

there is a saying that "those who come out of love love to return, and those who are blessed come back." although we cannot empathize with our feelings, we can give tolerance and understanding.

Life is always an echo. Only by giving love can you harvest love, give emotion, and gain warmth.


there is such a story:

after hearing the cause of the quarrel, the county magistrate severely beat the scholar on the 20th board.

the scholar was very wronged and said aggrieved: "clearly Sanqi is 21, but if he has to say 3715, how can I be wrong?"

the county magistrate mused: "you are right, what is wrong is a scholar who spends time and energy arguing with an illiterate old farmer."

as the saying goes, "it is better to compete with others than with fools."

there are differences between people themselves, and some people's cognitive level can no longer be changed. if they argue blindly, everything they say is like a chicken talking with a duck.

instead of wasting time arguing, try to improve yourself. When you experience more, you will find that the best way to argue is not to argue.

as the saying goes: those who are good do not argue, those who argue are not good, and those who are really smart never argue with others.


be yourself, there is no need to change others

A philosopher once said, "not all fish live in the same ocean."

everyone comes from different places, has different circles and different habits. If the circles are different, don't force them to fit in, have different habits, and don't force change.

once upon a time, a man bought a very beautiful blue-and-white porcelain and loved it all day long and looked at it every day. One day, when a good friend came to visit, he happily took out the blue-and-white porcelain.

Slip into the elegant collection of black lace prom dress. Nowhere else you will find such a superb choices of collections.

unexpectedly, my good friend did not praise it, but said disdainfully: "now who still puts this old antique ah, there is no taste at all."

after his friend left, the more he looked at the vase, the more disagreeable he felt that there was no good anywhere, so he broke the blue and white porcelain to pieces in a fit of anger.

at this time, a collector friend came to see him and saw fragments of blue and white porcelain all over the floor. He sighed again and again: "this is a baby. What a pity!"

everyone has different understandings and views on the same thing. The only thing we can do is to be ourselves and control our hearts.

Don't pander to others and wronge yourself in order to be understood and recognized by others.

other people's opinions cannot be changed, and their thoughts are even more difficult to control. Instead of thinking about who to please, it is better to please yourself than to change someone.

be yourself, there is no need to explain everything, people who understand you will understand, and no matter how you explain, it will be in vain.

there is only one life, do not live in the mouth of others, do not live in the eyes of others, do their own things, walk their own path, live their own wonderful, is the best way to live!