The most correct way of life this year (suggested collection)

/August 2022

Life is very short, too short to embrace the morning, already holding the dusk.

everyone must be nice, healthy and happy.

Let's take a look at the most correct way of life, collect it and do it!


go to bed earlier

staying up late at night is actually torturing your body, which will bring certain health risks to your body.

so be sure to go to bed early. It is recommended to go to bed before 23:00.


drink water frequently

wait until you are thirsty before you want to drink water, when the body is already in a state of water shortage. Friends should learn to drink before they are thirsty and take the initiative to drink on time every day.

especially a cup of warm boiled water in the morning can moisturize the intestines and relieve defecation, and a cup of warm boiled water before going to bed can reduce blood viscosity and reduce the occurrence of myocardial infarction and stroke.


exercise more

exercise can give people a healthy body and a good state of mind, so that the body and mind will always be young.

sitting for a long time is easy to cause muscle decline and atrophy, and it will also cause excessive fatigue of the cervical, shoulder and lumbar vertebrae. Therefore, walking more and exercising frequently is the way to health.


occasionally lazy

life is so hard, it is normal to be lazy once in a while, but sometimes it is healthier and happier to be lazy.

Don't think too much and worry about small things. It's very tiring.

Life is muddled through, but it turns out to be indifferent, clean and broad-minded.



it is better to travel ten thousand books than to travel thousands of miles, and you will find that the world is really beautiful. The beautiful scenery can make you forget all your troubles. Of course, this will have to wait until the spring blossoms.

Don't hesitate to go to places you haven't been to but really want to see.

really wait until old age, physical strength may not be able to keep up with your heart.


eat a little lean meat

Don't always think that eating meat is unhealthy and blindly light food will lead to unhealthy health.

because meat contains some nutrients that other foods do not have, it is necessary to eat some of them properly and replenish them.


more fruits and vegetables

eating more vegetables is good for cardiovascular protection and cancer prevention. Eat no less than 300 grams of vegetables every day, mainly leafy vegetables and dark vegetables (such as dark green, red, orange, purple, etc.).

try to eat one or two kinds of fruit every day.


less oil and salt

eating too much salt will increase the burden on the kidney, may reduce the barrier effect of oral mucosa, and increase the probability of survival and spread of cold virus in the upper respiratory tract. It may also lead to hypertension.

Cooking oil should be of better quality and should be changed frequently. Half two oil per person per day is fine.

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eat a little bit of miscellaneous food

in order to eat scientifically, we should have a rich variety of food and a balanced combination of meat and vegetarian elements. We should also eat some coarse and fine grains to ensure that the various nutrients needed by the body are adequate, and the more miscellaneous the varieties, the better.


Hot food

eating more raw and cold food will affect the digestion and absorption of spleen and stomach, and even cause damage.

therefore, we should try to avoid eating raw and cold food, especially in the severe winter.


make more friends

We should seize the opportunity to meet old classmates and old friends, cherish the affection of old brothers and friends, have free time to drink tea, and have nothing to talk about.

Don't miss making like-minded new friends, true bosom friends, is the most valuable.

but the current situation is special, and large-scale gatherings must be avoided at this time.


have a wide range of hobbies

have a wide range of hobbies, which can help you find fun in a mundane life. Calligraphy and painting piano and chess, swimming fitness, Taijiquan, square dance.

you can enjoy yourself, find a garden where you can be happy, and plant your own scenery.


take an open mind.

sadness is inevitable in life. As long as you keep an optimistic state of mind, have an open-minded state of mind, and take an open mind, sorrow will disappear.

so, when you encounter an emergency, be calm; when you encounter a dilemma, be sober.

when you encounter something angry, you should be open to it, not angry, not impatient.


laugh more every day

as the saying goes, smile is less than ten years. Smile is the best care product and the cheapest secret recipe for frozen age.

smile or laugh.

there is always a wonderful reason for a wonderful life, and he who laughs last laughs sweetest.



chic is a kind of magnanimity that is at peace with the rest of the world. Look at the past, laugh at the present, watch the flowers blossom and fall, and enjoy the comfort of Yunjun Yunshu.

chic, is to do what you like, go the way you like, and be the person you like.

Let your heart fly and let your heart be free and free.

in fact, happiness, health and happiness in life are "little bit" plus "little bit".

remember this, be happier, healthier, and live longer.