People's Daily publishes the self-check list of unqualified parents' behavior! For the sake of the children, please take a patient look!

/November 2022

families have to shoulder the heavy burden of educating people, and their children will learn what parents teach.

for this reason, People's Daily summed up a self-check list of unqualified parents' behavior. Please check it yourself:

the child is a mirror of the family, and there is a problem family behind every problem child.

as parents, we should not only pay attention to their children while neglecting their own education.

Don't let the laziness stolen from children become an irreparable regret in life!


eight holes in parental education

you dug several

first one for your children: parents only care about making money and not spending time with their children.

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even if parents earn Jinshan and Yinshan, without educating their children, they will one day be eaten in vain.

money can't solve all the problems. If you miss your child's education in order to make money, it will delay your child's whole life.

second: parents can't see their children's mistakes.

parents always think that their child is perfect, even if he makes a mistake, it is only a trifle.

but children can't be forgiven for their mistakes. If they don't correct them in time, they will make no distinction between right and wrong.

third: parents compare their children with others.

parents think that good children belong to others, and they often compare other people's children with their own children.

Children who are looked down upon by their parents have low self-esteem and self-confidence, and resent their parents.

fourth: what parents say is right.

autocratic parents require their children to obey themselves unconditionally, and they can't say "no", let alone resist.

under the supervision of parents, children are not understood and unwilling to talk, so they will become very lonely.

fifth: parents are not self-disciplined.

parents only make demands to their children, but never ask themselves. Instead of striving for progress, they want their children to take the top spot in the exam.

but education is a cause of teaching by deeds and deeds. If parents fail to give a good example, they will make their children get into bad habits.

sixth: parents have no trust in their children.

parents are skeptical of what their children do and say, and sometimes force their children to admit their mistakes through beating and scolding.

Children who are always suspected, it is easy to be discouraged and difficult to grow up healthily.

Seventh: parents expect too much of their children.

some parents, who are not happy, force their children to have a bright future and set too high goals for their children.

Children are forced to bear the expectations of their parents, but also under too much pressure, and it is easy to collapse if they fail.

eighth: parents always ignore their children's emotions.

many parents only criticize and blame their children, but do not pay attention to their children's emotional changes, which is actually hurting their children.

the child's mind is very fragile, and when negative emotions accumulate, they will break out one day.


Ten knives for family education

you use several

the first one on your child: too protective, so that the child can not be independent.

Children who have been overprotected since childhood live under the wings of their parents, reaching out for food and clothing.

when the opportunity is lost, children will become more and more dependent on their parents and will not be able to stand on their own feet even in adulthood.

the second one: too spoiled, resulting in a child's personality defects.

Children who have been surrounded by doting for a long time are self-centered and do not know how to tolerate and make concessions.

if parents take care of everything, children will become lazy, undisciplined and often get into trouble.

the third one: too accommodating, causing the child to be delicate and capricious.

if parents are too accommodating to their children, they will learn to blackmail their parents and become selfish, ruthless, self-willed and lack of self-control.

if the child goes further, the parents will take a step back, and if they don't restrain them, they may do anything evil in the future.

No. 4: too much nagging leads to rebellious confrontation.

No child likes to be nagged, he feels disrespected and untrusted, so he proves himself through rebellion.

No. 5: too much love, so that children do not know how to cherish.

parents' excessive care and love will make their children take it for granted, because they have never lost it, so they do not know how to cherish it.

sixth: too strict, causing children to hate learning.

strict is love, leniency is harm, but too strict education will suppress the growth of children.

under high-intensity control, children can not find interest in learning, and will become more and more tired of learning.

No.7: too extravagant, resulting in children's love of rest and dislike of work.

parents give their children a good living environment, so that their children do not know how to cherish it, nor can they bear any hardship.

No.8: excessive frugality leads to children's inferiority complex.

parents give their children a poor living environment, which will make their children feel inferior, become stingy, and become narrow.

No.9: pay too much attention to make it difficult for children to concentrate.

parents pay attention to and disturb their children all the time, which will make it impossible for their children to concentrate on one thing.

so is learning, and so is life. Parents who have no sense of boundaries cannot raise excellent children.

No. 10: too anxious, causing the child to feel stressed.

after the "double reduction", parents became more anxious and sent their children to make up lessons as soon as school was over, vowing to carry out the chicken baby to the end.

parents' anxiety is by no means the real driving force for the child to move forward, and it may crush the child.


Ten years later, promising children

all come from these seven families

the first: families that attach importance to education.

after the landing of the "double subtraction", the realThe era of "fighting for a father" has officially arrived, and the gap between children will be opened from the family.

the more excellent parents are, the more they attach importance to their children's education, put them into practice, and unremittingly accompany and supervise their children's learning.

the second kind: cooperate with the teacher's family.

on the way of education, teachers are preachers, and parents are role models for their children's life.

Smart parents know how to cooperate with teachers, support teachers, make teachers pay more attention to their children, and make school education proceed smoothly.

the third: a family with a harmonious atmosphere.

the environment is the child's third teacher, living in a relaxed, warm and harmonious family, the child can grow up healthily.

only loving parents can do this, create a loving family atmosphere for their children, and let their children have a positive and optimistic attitude.

the fourth kind: families with strict tutoring.

it is better to set rules for children sooner rather than later. Teach children to abide by rules, know and fear from childhood, so as to prevent children from going the wrong way in the future.

Love goes hand in hand with rules, which is not only the best tutor in a family, but also the responsibility of parents.

fifth: families that love reading.

Reading is an important way for children to obtain upbringing. To make children fall in love with reading, it is necessary to create a "bookish home".

A pair of parents who love reading, who are the most important people in their children, will imperceptibly root their reading habits in their children's bones and blood.

sixth: families who accompany with their hearts.

parents' educational responsibility can not be shirked, and parents' companionship is also an indispensable nutrient in children's life.

excellent children are "accompanied". Parents accompany their children attentively, patiently and meticulously, which is a kind of education in itself.

seventh: families that teach by deeds and words.

No matter how good the school is, it is not as good as the study at home, and no matter how good the teacher is, it is not as good as the words and deeds of parents.

parents lead by example and set a good example for their children, so that children can draw continuous growth energy from their parents.


double reduction does not reduce parents' responsibility

parents will always be the first person responsible for the growth of their children

in early September, people's Education published: "double reduction does not mean subtracting parents' responsibilities. on the contrary, it tests parents' responsibility."

the responsibility of parents lies not in how much money they can spend for their children, but in how much responsibility they can take for their children.

We should all understand that the family is the main position for children's growth, and family education is the most important education in children's growth.

only by correcting the educational behavior of the family can we give children a paradise for growth;

give full play to the educational role of parents, so that children can grow up with high quality.