After middle age, running and not running lead a different life.

/October 2022

when Zuckerberg, founder of Facebook, was young, he made himself an "annual plan" every year.

in the first few years, his goal is to spend a year learning Chinese, writing code every day for a year, and reading 24 books a year.

until 2016, when he was just entering middle age, he gradually felt that his energy was beginning to lack and his physical condition was declining, so he began to set his goal on physical fitness.

this year, he set himself the goal of running a mile a day and having to run 365 miles a year.

Zuckerberg visited China in 2016.

the first thing he did when he came to China was to run around Tiananmen Square.

he said: "only by keeping healthy can we have more energy and energy to do more meaningful things."

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when you reach middle age, life is half-sloping.

the busyness of career, the pressure of family, the decline of physical fitness.

each item is like a mountain hanging over your head.

and running is the best way to change anxiety and relieve physical and mental stress.



Let's first take a look at a picture:

the man in the photo, named Diogo, has a huge beer belly, weighs 320jin, and is full of fat on his chest and arms.

once, a friend laughed at him for being too greasy and his self-esteem was damaged, so he was determined to lose weight.

after reading many people's weight loss sharing on the Internet, he found that running was the easiest way to lose weight, so he decided to start with running.

at first, he was exhausted from running several hundred meters.

but looking at his bulky figure, he got down to heart, gritted his teeth and forced himself to stick to it.

from 1 km, to 5 km, to 10 km. He wouldn't give up even if there was a cocoon on the soles of his feet.

later, he signed up for the 10km race.

during the race, the doctors outside the field were worried that the fat man would faint in the middle of the track and let the ambulance follow him all the time.

but he persevered.

when he crossed the finish line, everyone cheered and boiled for him.

that race brought him great confidence. In the next three years, he ran a total of 11 and a half horses, twice all horses, and two times Triathlon.

in just three years, his figure has changed from a greasy fat man to a bodybuilder with eight-pack abs.

the same middle-aged man.

in the first three years, he had a huge beer belly and a greasy face.

three years later, he was full of energy with eight-pack abs.

if he doesn't run or exercise, he will still be the fat man three years later.

some people say: "running for one month can reduce body weight, strengthen cardiopulmonary function after three months, increase body immunity after half a year, get rid of three high diseases after one year, and body function and appearance in three or five years will obviously exceed those of the same age."

Middle age is a hurdle for the body to go downhill.

after middle age, people who do not exercise or keep fit will only grow older and gradually become old and decayed.

people who love sports and running are in a race against time.

every step you take forward will make you grow back in age and become younger.


running and spiritual cultivation

middle age is also the barren year of life.

once you enter this timeline, you have to face the anxiety of the second half of life.

Mao Daqing, chairman of WeWork, 44, was diagnosed with depression.

during those days, he was too anxious to sleep in the middle of the night, woke up during the day and felt lethargic all day.

later, the company promoted the national campaign and encouraged everyone to keep fit actively.

Mao Daqing, who originally hated sports, also began to lead his colleagues to run in response to the company's call.

from the beginning of reluctance, to the back of running can not stop running.

Mao Daqing gradually got rid of depression while running.

John H. Grace, a psychiatrist at the University of Wisconsin, once did an experiment.

he randomly selected 28 patients with mild depression and divided them into three groups.

one group did jogging, one group did short-term psychotherapy, and the other group received unlimited long-term psychotherapy.

results after a week, most of the depressed patients who jogged and the patients who received short-term psychotherapy began to improve.

three weeks later, almost all the patients in the first two groups recovered, while those who received long-term psychotherapy did not change at all.

Grace concluded: "running is not only comparable to short-term psychotherapy, but also more effective than unlimited long-term psychotherapy in eliminating mild depression."

later, he continued to follow these patients and found two years later that most of the cured patients were still running.

according to the statistics of the World Health Organization, 20% of general practitioners will recommend running as an alternative to adjuvant therapy when treating depression.

running is a spiritual redemption.

as the saying on the Internet goes: "three kilometers specializes in treating all kinds of discomfort, five kilometers specializes in treating all kinds of internal injuries, and after ten kilometers running, the heart is full of kindness and magnanimity."

when you are depressed, stressed, and in a bad mood, you might as wellWalk out the door and run.

use a sweltering run to dissolve your inner sorrows and troubles.

when you start running, the whole world is making way for you.



and of all the people who took part in the marathon, middle-aged people also got the best grades.

Why do many people like running more and more after they reach middle age?

some netizens said: "in their twenties, there are old and young, and the burden on the body is getting bigger and bigger, but the inner self is gradually disappearing." And running, most of the time, is a person walking alone, is an excellent time to get along with themselves. "

Sohu CEO Zhang Chaoyang, who is also an athlete, said in a speech on running: "running is like a kind of meditation for me. No matter all kinds of delusions come, I only focus on my feet and my breath, just like walking Zen."

running is also a kind of precipitation.

while running, listen to music, feel the wind passing by your ears, and experience the truest touch from the soles of your feet.

when you forget your worldly troubles and discard your inner impetuosity.

will be immersed in the experience of flow, which not only heals the body and mind, but also balances the career and family.

Feng Tang, a writer who coined the term "middle-aged greasy man", persisted in running in order to prevent himself from becoming greasy.

now, having been running for more than 10 years, he always has a pair of running shoes and a pair of shorts in his suitcase every time he goes on a business trip.

he feels that running, like writing, is a spiritual practice, and he also puts forward five principles of running.

first, dare to start.

the hardest thing in life is not to reach the end, but to take the first step.

second, you must insist.

I want to run because I don't want to run. Just because you don't want to continue, you have to stick to it.

third, forget the outcome.

when running, you should restrain your desire to keep up with others and blindly compare speed with others, which will only make you feel uncomfortable.

fourth, enjoy growth.

after running, you will begin to grow, gradually from one kilometer to three kilometers, ten kilometers.

Fifth, there is no ultimate.

Life is a marathon, running is a long-term doctrine, in this marathon, we are always young, always on the road.

Life is a long-distance race.

on this endless road, we run all the way, practice all the way, and grow all the way.

everyone who walks forward in a down-to-earth manner can reap the happiness he wants in the scenery along the way.


running heals everything

the process of running is a process of practice and healing.

running expert Zhang Zhanhui mentioned in the book "running cures" that running brings three kinds of cures:

first, running improves cardiopulmonary function.

after the age of 25, the body's basal metabolic rate decreases.

while running can promote metabolism, lower blood sugar, help us improve cardiopulmonary function and prevent cardiovascular disease.

II. Nourish the brain and improve mood.

when running, the concentration of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the brain increases, the hippocampus in the brain associated with learning and memory becomes larger, and people become smarter.

third, let people get the "flow" experience.